Now, I know what it feels like to really ride a Segway. Last week, I took Latta Plantation's Segway Adventure Tour. My group included two couples and their friend - all class of Central High 1956. I had a great time with them, but we didn't cover as much as ground as the tour usually does.
This morning outdoor recreationalist Neil Elam took me back out for a quickie to see some of the trails we didn't get to see last week. Latta Plantation at 7 a.m. is one of the most serene places to be. We cruised along twisty trails such as the Catawba trail. I loved navigating my two-wheeler around roots, rocks, mud, hills and sharp curves.
We visited the equestrian center (Neal fed the horseys - cute.) We also visited the park's prairie (peaceful). The prairie is acres of natural native vegetation. We saw a turtle and a blue heron. Neal said if we were really lucky, we'd see a great horned owl, but we didn't. We also took the winding trails to different parts of Mountain Island Lake.
The Segway tour is a great way to see nearly all of the park, which has miles and miles of trails. The tour is only $35, and you can register through Parks and Rec. I suggest getting a group of up to six people and scheduling a private tour. If not, you can sign up for the park's existing tours.
That sounds really cool. I just recently heard they have hiking there - who knew? I assumed it'd just be a flat old plantation in the boonies. Guess I'd better check it out. Plus, who doesn't love horseys?