Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Carlton: I'm able to push through the pain

Operation Bootcamp Day 7

In today's Operation Bootcamp workout Creative Loafing editor Carlton Hargro did Fartlek, an interval training workout.

Today's workout at Latta Park, off East Boulevard, involved a combination of running with walking lunges, and strength exercises in sets of 10 and/or five. For example, he did 50 push ups, 50 sit ups, about 100 walking lunges, etc.

He doesn't think his physical stamina has improved (I would beg to differ), he says he's mentally tougher. For the first time, he said he didn't take breaks during the exercises. He made himself keep going, no matter how slowly.

"Mentally, I'm able to push through the pain and the tiredness," he said.

In fact, he's worried after camp ends, he will have to find a workout as intense as Operation Bootcamp. Carlton said he used to hate exercise classes, but now he may try them because he can see how they keep you motivated.

I suggested Zumba since it's the newest craze. It mixes Latin dance with aerobics. The class at the Johnston YMCA, where I work out, is so big it's in the gym. Poet Terry Creech who works at the Simmons YMCA told me they recently had a Zumba marathon on a Saturday, and it was packed. I suggested Carlton try a conditioning class that mixes cardio and calisthenics. I saw a great afternoon class at the Dowd YMCA recently.

What do you suggest?

(Be nice to Carlton. Next, Thursday is bring a friend to camp day. Maybe you can be his friend and he'll invite you to sweat with him.)


  1. Carlton can always sign up again! As a Vet you get a discount!!! Plus Carlton gets to stick it out with us for another 30 days! He will want to by the end of the month

  2. He should run too if he'll stay motivated. His body is use to high impact exercise so he will have to continue to do something high energy. Good luck to Carlton! I know he can do it!

  3. We definitely want Carlton to stick with boot camp, and to get his friends signed up so he can run circles around them! We have nothing but love for him at OBC... he is my new BFF, right Carlton? ;) LOL
